Sunday, November 4, 2018

Top 60 Virtual World exploration goals

Do something fantastic and explore the Virtual World.

Here are list of my top 60 exploration goals

1. Travel to other planets. 

2. Dive to the bottom of the sea. 

3. Read other people's thoughts. 

4. Burn down a building. 

5. Fly a plane or a helicopter. 

6. Walk on busy city street and stop time. 

7. Transform into an animal of your choice. 

8. Move objects with your thoughts. 

9. Go into a cave, find Gollum and steal The One Ring. 

10. Read a book. 

11. Summon a dream character. 

12. Posses a dream character. 

13. Ask a dream character to tell you something about yourself which even you don't know.

14. Point at a car and make it explode. 

15. Summon Tim and ask him to give you some LD tips.

16. change the weather 

17.make your enemy's UGLY 

18. tell a dream character that you control their world 

19. become rich and famous and have a lot of cool stuff 

20. go to the future or past 

21. become a hero and save someone 

22. do stuff you wouldn't or couldn't do while awake 

23. make yourself prettier 

24. meet book characters 

25. be really young or really old

26. Give yourself photoshop abilities for the world around you (change the colors and distort the world around you) 

27. Play an RTS (real time strategy) game with real people and cities 

28. Create any kind of creature you can imagine 

29. Produce music without any instuments 

30. Have sex. 

31. Create Dream characters. 

32. Trying going onto the internet. 

33. Fly 

34. Face your fears. 

35. Have kids. 

36. Change your hair color. 

37. Create your own dream home/world image.

38. Travel back in time and visit dinosaurs. 

39. Get drunk. 

40. Jump thru a window of a tall building. 

41. Stab yourself and see if it hurts. 

42. Get yourself police outfit and chase criminals. 

43. Meditate. 

44. Try to have lucid dream while in a lucid dream. 

45. Summon your dream guide. 

46. Play golf. 

47. Go to a hospital and tell doctor to fix you.

48. Smash a window and rewind the process. 

49. Create two Dream Characters and make them build a village. Watch or help the village to grow into a city! 

50. Stand in the middle of a really huge crowd of people, start dancing and try to make everyone else dance with you. 

51. Start fishing in a "Magical Fountain" and see what you get. 

52. Take a piss by the entrance to a Troll's Cave. 

53. Put yourself in the role of Neo in the first Matrix movie, starting by his computer in his room just like in the film. See what happens! 

54. Reach down your pocket. There's a pill there? Eat it and be astounded by the consequences. 

55. Can you beat a game of poker against a dog? 

56. Go to a random house and demand rent. 

57. Go to a TV, change the channel a few times and enter it. Yes, through the screen. 

58. Gather a bunch of people and make them laugh to a really, then I mean a really bad joke. 

59. Trip and miss the ground. 

60. Ask a Dream Character what would be fun to try out in a dream.

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