Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The ancient adventure inside the Virtual World.

Cantonese English!


Ughh... I am on ancient time and I defeat the humanoid and take the eye from the ancient statue.

I am running because there are skeletons. A look alike warrior skeletons, that want to chase me.

I am just running until I come up on a field with ponds. I jumped and swam, to hide from the skeletons.

Expectation is my reality... I don't know but, I just wonder what if there is a giant monster on the middle of the pond and help me to defeat the skeletons. Then a bit time pass, the giant stood up and kill the skeletons.

Run To Save Lucidity

I continue to run, half lucid, but still, I can really control my movement, where I will gonna go and what should I gonna do. So I end up on a river, a river which has a rocks a small rocks, I can't explain but it is like I need to jump in that rocks.

The skeleton float into the river, like oh that's weird and start to chase me. I swim as fast as I can then end up on a rock building, an ancient building. It is like a structure that fairies and other mystical entities where living.

I also seen the skeletons, they are standing in front of the structure, like they are the guards. I decide to look backward to get back and run. But I think it is not the best idea to look back, because it will cause to create a new dream environment.

So that's what happened, I found myself on a top of the mountain, with my intuition that directs me. The skeleton are still in here and they are on the next mountain. I start to run and start to have an idea that maybe I have a mission.

My confident increased and I am now ready for the fight, but I am still half lucid. So I run and try to find a place where I gonna find any tools. I see the kind of humanoid, it is like a beast. I know I do need to follow her/him.

A small voice told me that I need to take the eye... I don't have any idea what's that eye. After a long run, I lost her/him. Then found a temple, a small temple. I go to that temple and found who's standing... The humanoid is standing and act like she/he found the ideal item she/he ever wanted.

I saw the radiance of a blue light and I do have the idea, maybe that's the eye. I need to take that eye, so I run to that humanoid, grab her/his head then strike it on the statue. The looks like orb or blue orb fall into the ground. I take it and put it on my forehead, then send me into a new dream scene and dream environment.

I found myself inside my grandmother's house, I am on the second floor and having conversation with my cousins. I need to go back home as always, I am half lucid then my uncle ask me if I want to have some snacks, I rejected it because I want to go back home. I exit to their door at the back, then I don't have any idea what's just happened. Just merged into blackness for the new shift.

I found myself outside our house, in this case I am fully lucid. The environment is a kind of retro or vintage, I still remember the eye is on my forehead so I don't have the time for fear. I do have the confidence that I am most powerful in here.

I don't have any goals so I don't know what to do. I am just watching my new environment. Then a lust take my mind and want to find if I can create a dream characters, a hot dream characters.

So I just walk and try to expect the dream characters will create in my next step or in the next corner. About 4 back and forth when the dream characters successfully created, but not that hot and not that I wanted, she's wearing a clothes so I just ignored her.

My sexual desire get more intense without my control so I am wanting a dream characters without clothes. Same as the method expect that they will create in my next walk or in the next corner. Then bingo they are created...Ohh damn, they are freaking hot, they don't have clothes, my desire start to boost, but I found that my energy start to decrease and my vision start to fade.

My forehead start to hurt and my dream body start to dis function. I do have the hard time to move and in just a booooom my vision lost and then I woke up.

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