Friday, November 9, 2018

How Nightmare Turns To A Vividest Dream

Dreaming is so fascinating, especially when the theme of it is what you are wishing on the waking reality. But dreaming sometimes so selfish, and it turns to a bad situation and become a nightmare. Though nightmares are just sign that we are living, they hunt us to know the truth, the truth of in every dark there is a light and a beautiful place ahead.

My instruction made me achieved what I always wanted to achieve. I've Heard the spectacular voice of one of the scariest woman, I call her the lady in black in which I never expect and nor imagine. And as it continue to become more vividly, I see different things in my point of view using the counting method.

Before I will go further, I want to share what happened that night when I encounter the lady in black.

As I began to fall asleep, I start to feel the dizziness onto my head, and I just realized that I am standing on an empty road of the night of shades. I begin to notice my surrounding, there were something strange and I felt it from my deep within. I then saw one rope hanging on the old tree, which was coated by white and it was glowing.

A woman came by and start to speak. She was so mad and regretful. She complaining in the way she was betrayed by someone, and as I listen to her voice, I began to clearly understand what she was saying, in despite of what she said, I will quote it by "Dear Lord why you just leave, why you just go and how about the souls my Lord, how about this". At moment when the voice fades out, I saw her holding a black coated rope, as same as the rope hanging on the old tree. I saw her put the black coated rope on the same spot where the white coated rope was hanging.

Two Matter Black & White
She start to shout madly, her voice was so strong that she was blaming me. She was full of regrets, I can’t stand her voice. Her voice feels like she was a Specter. I feel so scared, I feels so prey and when I start to lose my senses, a sudden fluid of waves flown and rise inside me. From the tip of my spine, run through and flow toward my heart, I can feel the strong electricity bursting in my chest, and it feels like there was a sensation of leakage like draining fluids all over my body. And as soon as I tried fight it, I heard a sudden gunshot that kills me. I heard a waves sounds and I opened my eyes, I am on the different point of existence, my vision was hazy, it was like I am on spot where my
surrounding was fog of clouds. I can feel the fluidity of the surface, that can be mold in whatever I wish and wanted, from different scenario, situation and typeset. I enjoy the moment, until I remember the presence of the Specter's memories, and lose everything.

I once opened my eyes again, but I can't. I forced it, but it was really hard. I shouted and told myself to just wake up now, and it works. It really works. I woke up and found myself continue walking forward to a strange place. It was a sunny day, I am walking, my vision is normal when I decided to count and see what will happen. So, I count and start in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then, my vision start to get more vibrant. Continue from 5 to 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 my outside sensation become more sensitive. And in 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 My weight becomes liter, and I am suddenly floating, slowly, upward. As I continue to count from 15 to 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 I am losing my control of my movement, and collide to the nearest houses. 21 22 23 24 25 I climbed up to the houses roofs. 26 27 28 29 30 I manage to have the ability to control my movement.

I continue to count, I continue float around and I continue to explore. I used to think to find my house, and then I noticed the floating motion start to work for me. I am on an auto pilot now, by the moving motion. I can see people on the land they are elderly, they look like farmers. I can see a white mouse on a small pile of mud, it was eating while looking at me. I enjoy the sensation of the heat making by sun, and it allows me to feel it's radiating energy. Around 90, 91, 92 My forehead was heating up, and there was a burning sensation. Counting to 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 I experience to have a panic attack and get afraid to my own feelings of explosion or destruction, in which took my vision and start to fade away.

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