Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Signal Motion

What was that thick and sticky like glue environment I have encountered. And are those weird living things on our house. Is that the "signal motion" will be the key to achieve success in this field? 

Upon awakening I felt the heavy sensation of vibration bursting though out my body, and I heard the weirdest background noises, which is so loud and creepy. I noticed this uncomfortable movement or I can say it as "signal motion" in which I feel there is someone controlling my body, that feels like I am on the autopilot.

My body was shaking, I can't move, maybe because of the heaviness of the vibration. I experience to have a panic attack, get afraid and lost my outlook. Though I woke up without any injury, I realized that it just "all" happened inside my mind, it was really intense. And so, I try to sleep again. 

Sensitive Feeling
I once again feel the heavy sensation of vibration. I noticed the "signal motion", and so, it only means I am on the right track. I stood up and reach the wall near me. It was so really hard to move from the heavy vibration spreading throughout my body, from the sticky and thickness of the atmosphere. I feel I am going to collapse, I experience to have a panic attack and I lost it. I once again closed my eyes, feel all the sensation, the "signal motion", the heavy feeling, sticky and thickness are still alive. I stood up to reach the wall near me, then decided to turn my body position from right to left to see the open door. 

Our house is filled with liquid, like I am on under the water. I can see the two glistening small living things in our kitchen, and they are playing around. I wanted to go outside, but I can't even move, I can't stand this strong, thick and sticky sensation, it feels like I am glued on a specific spot and so I lost it.

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