Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Why I am on a haunted house and how it possibly true that astral is based on Science. Who is that guy?. Am I fall in love to him or he is just my future self that knows me well.

Today, I have my group mates, and I am on the autopilot mode, yet I still aware of what was going on out there, and I am pretty sure I can remember it.

I, with the paranormal group was teleported or transferred on a specific house. I never entered this house before, and it look like abandoned house or maybe a haunted house. They told me that this house was the house of a strong spirit, that can manipulate objects and harm people in their sleep. I remember they saying it happens when false awakening take place.

Ghostbuster Science Fiction

I can see the window that has so many knife on it, I can see a lot of tables are broken. I suddenly felt the intense fear on the unknown that make me bi locate to other place. I transferred to a room in which I am on a screen of a computer, reading some articles on a specific website, that tackled about mystics of an entity, item they are using, and witchcraft or a shaman.

On some point, fears took my body and so I affirm the phrase of astral is for witch craft. But, I felt more horrible, and so I changed the phrase and spooked, astral is Science, I repeat, Astral is Science. Another location, I found myself on a mini bridge far way from our house, I am walking when a long haired man with a cup approached me. He look deep into my eyes and he is telling something direct in my heart. I felt something strange that maybe I fell for him, or just we were so mutual, cause I feel he really know me better that I could. I grab his neck then give him a big genuine smile. And then walked away.

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