Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Friendly beings that helps me in the chasing time, it gives me the ability to keep my mind calm from the bad situation. Who they are? what they are and how can such magic is real inside this "Virtual World", they can turn bad to good. And lastly, how technology works on this field.

I just realized, that I am on the outside of our house. And I am not sure, if I am on a Real World or I am just on this "Virtual World". And so, I walk toward the alley to explore, and to find something strange that can be triggered my perception onto their differences.

After a while, I suddenly feel there was something strange, a natural fear, a real intuition from unknown that keeps my heat pump faster. The feeling of there was someone or something following.
A look like human being with the appearance of a typical beast chased me. I run, I run as fast as I can to save my moment to explore my new setting. I can blurry see people in far away, and when I am getting closer, I can now see them clearly, and they are six people. These six people are colored in blue violet, and I can really say that they are other dimensional beings, cause they are really different. They are having conversations, they are standing, and a lined on a circle. I go ahead towards them, stay on the center, and so they will help me from the beast who is chasing. I ask for help, saying "Please help me" please. And then, one of them spoke and tell the others "I can manage it". I see it is doing some magic, using its hand gestures. The being don't use any harm weapons, like guns, swords and others to defeat bad entity. Instead, he use its super power to makes the bad one to good one.

Magical Food
It magically creates an ice mallow from the air, and that ice mallow look like a dessert. The beast pick it up, and ate it. I noticed that it was turning into cute little dog that combined with tiger and kind of monkey at the same time. The beast was like weird mutant fur animal, but it is not scary anymore. I also pick up one of the ice mallow and try to ate it. It was really so delicious, that I feel so rejuvenate when I keep eating it. I pick up three more ice mallow from the ground, then decided to walk back to our house.

The beast who follows me before, was still following me. I can no longer feel the scare that I felt before, I feel the beast is my friend now. I came to back to our house, I came inside and I notice lot of furniture are lost, and a lot of them is in different position in my "Real World", but the my computer is on the exact spot, which gives me the idea to try it. My computer is open and still working, I try to use it for my social media and it works. I can logged in my account, but it was like a loop, It was turning back to the same page, over and over again. My mind freaked out and lost my vision.

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