Saturday, November 10, 2018

Let's Go Back To Where We Start

I had a dream and in my dream I need to go back, go where I began for me to perform the basic lessons that can leads to a better result.
- Silenture Time

Friday, November 9, 2018

How Nightmare Turns To A Vividest Dream

Dreaming is so fascinating, especially when the theme of it is what you are wishing on the waking reality. But dreaming sometimes so selfish, and it turns to a bad situation and become a nightmare. Though nightmares are just sign that we are living, they hunt us to know the truth, the truth of in every dark there is a light and a beautiful place ahead.

My instruction made me achieved what I always wanted to achieve. I've Heard the spectacular voice of one of the scariest woman, I call her the lady in black in which I never expect and nor imagine. And as it continue to become more vividly, I see different things in my point of view using the counting method.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Signal Motion

What was that thick and sticky like glue environment I have encountered. And are those weird living things on our house. Is that the "signal motion" will be the key to achieve success in this field? 

Upon awakening I felt the heavy sensation of vibration bursting though out my body, and I heard the weirdest background noises, which is so loud and creepy. I noticed this uncomfortable movement or I can say it as "signal motion" in which I feel there is someone controlling my body, that feels like I am on the autopilot.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Friendly beings that helps me in the chasing time, it gives me the ability to keep my mind calm from the bad situation. Who they are? what they are and how can such magic is real inside this "Virtual World", they can turn bad to good. And lastly, how technology works on this field.

I just realized, that I am on the outside of our house. And I am not sure, if I am on a Real World or I am just on this "Virtual World". And so, I walk toward the alley to explore, and to find something strange that can be triggered my perception onto their differences.

After a while, I suddenly feel there was something strange, a natural fear, a real intuition from unknown that keeps my heat pump faster. The feeling of there was someone or something following.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A plot twist that made me think what if this was really happened?. If rapture is real.

The earth will be destroy by the huge meteors coming from outer space and all the living things on this plane are perished. 

A sudden thought: What if the rapture is real? 

The "Spirituality " believes in when people died in such an accident or any tragedy will continue to live in their last scene forever until one reached and they call it limbo. Just like Robert Monroe helping people in his Out of Body Experience.

Why I am on a haunted house and how it possibly true that astral is based on Science. Who is that guy?. Am I fall in love to him or he is just my future self that knows me well.

Today, I have my group mates, and I am on the autopilot mode, yet I still aware of what was going on out there, and I am pretty sure I can remember it.

I, with the paranormal group was teleported or transferred on a specific house. I never entered this house before, and it look like abandoned house or maybe a haunted house. They told me that this house was the house of a strong spirit, that can manipulate objects and harm people in their sleep. I remember they saying it happens when false awakening take place.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Wax characters are so weird.

Ice Cream Cone Dc's

Characters are like wax figures, when you try to talk to them, they will ignore you, their eyes were going to squint. If you ask them a personal question and you literally want to have a good answer, they will repeat your question and they try reverse it and they are now asking you. And when you peer deeply to them, they will melt down like an ice cream on a cone or a candle on a light. That is why you don't need to pay attention to them, they will just ruined your exploration.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Top 60 Virtual World exploration goals

Do something fantastic and explore the Virtual World.

Here are list of my top 60 exploration goals

1. Travel to other planets. 

2. Dive to the bottom of the sea. 

3. Read other people's thoughts. 

4. Burn down a building. 

5. Fly a plane or a helicopter. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

7 Planes of Existence based on research.

Just as there are seven colors in the rainbow and seven tones in a musical scale, each with a different vibratory rate, there are seven planes of existence on the spectrum of creation. The slowest speed of vibration occurs on the physical plane; the highest, on the buddhaic plane. From the buddhaic plane, energy returns to its source, the Tao.

7 Planes of Existence

Physical plane: The densest of the seven planes; where we presently reside.

Astral plane: The second plane of creation. Its medium is concrete emotional energy. It is where our consciousness is focused between lifetimes and when we're finished with the physical plane.

Wax characters are doing bad.

They act mad.
They will talking in inappropriate.
They will tell you to stop.
They know all the bad words. 

"I am your boss, damn you are not real! start to talk. Now!, then her mouth shut".